8-Year-Old Girl Fights Off Would-Be-Kidnapper with Martial Arts
Posted: January 30, 2017
This is a great example of how Martial Arts can make the difference in a child's life at any moment!!
(Original Link: http://fox13now.com/2016/07/11/8-year-old-girl-fights-off-would-be-kidnapper-with-kung-fu-moves/)
EL CAJON, Calif. - A young girl who knew some Kung Fu moves used them to escape a kidnapping attempt overnight, police in California say.
Early Sunday morning, the 8-year-old girl woke up to an unidentified man in her and her 6-year-old brother's room, El Cajon police Lt. Rob Ransweiler said. The man had crawled through a window on the first floor of their condo in the 1300 block of Hawk Lane.
The man grabbed the girl and was dragging her downstairs when she struck him in the neck causing him to drop her and run out of the home, the young girl's mother told FOX 5. After the man ran away, she woke her parents and told them what happened.
El Cajon police received a call about the attempted kidnapping around 4 a.m. The victim did not appear to be injured and nothing was taken, Ransweiler said.
The mother said her daughter learned some self-defense moves during a martial arts class – and they paid off.
"I'm relieved that this is the story I get to tell – that she's in my home, here and safe," her mother said. "My kids are supposed to be safe while they are sleeping."
Read the Rest of the Story on the original news source!
Here are some essential safety tips every child should know:
1. Always keep a safe distance from the people you do not know;
This may seem like common sense, but in most child abduction cases the kids are lured close by a predator, and an essential thing they must know is to always keep enough distance from approaching cars or strangers asking questions.
2. Have a Safe House in the neighborhood they can run to where they can be safe;
Sometimes a child may find himself in a difficult or dangerous situation while not in the proximity of home. Have some safety points in the neighborhood such as friends houses or neighborhood business where the child can seek safety should he find himself in danger or needing help.
3. Learn the Magic Word!
If a stranger approaches them, make sure they know to ask for the magic word The Magic Word is an essential Stranger Danger technique; If a stranger claims to have been sent by Mommy or Daddy, teach your child a magic word that only the two of you know; Teach your child to always ask strangers pretending to be friends if they know the magic word, and to run away and ask for help if not given.
4. When Online, Always Decline!
Unfortunately as many precautions as we take as parents, it is very difficult to shield your children form the infinite access of the internet, especially when visiting friends houses whose parents may not have the same safety restrictions as yours. One thing to make sure that your child knows is to “Never Share Personal Information Online, Especially with strangers.” Teach your child the tagline “When Online, Always Decline!”
5. Always Say No!
Never Accept any kind of gifts or candy from strangers Politely decline saying “No Thanks!”.
If the person insists, teach your child that this is a sign that something is not right and to quickly find a way to escape the situation or go tell the nearest adult about it.